Ruckmanism Ruckus 인쇄
일요일, 25 4월 2010 22:27

This is a book written by brother Geneha Kim. This book attempts to thoroughly answer every major criticism about Peter S. Ruckman and includes the following information: History of Fundamentalism and "Ruckmanism"; Ruckman's "vulgar" language and character; Ruckman's divorce and remarriage; "Ruckmanites" before Ruckman; Overview of manuscripts supporting the KJV; Dispensational salvations; Gap "theory" or "fact"?; KJV correcting the "Hebrew" and "Greek"; And many other "crazy" Ruckman teachings.


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About the author:  Geneha Kim graduated with a B.D. and Th.M. from Pensacola Bible Institute.  He is the pastor of King James Bible Baptist Church in Palm Springs, California.


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